About Us

The Holy Redeemer Foundation is the parent company that oversees all the productions, activities, and administration of the media ministry on behalf of the Redemptorist Province of Bangalore. Our current media initiatives include the Redemptorist Media Communications (RMC) social media channels (including RMC YouTube, Facebook & Instagram), Holy Redeemer Radio, Holy Redeemer Podcasts, and the Redemptorist Publications in India.


Our vision is based on Constitution 6 of the Redemptorist Congregation, i.e., to use the latest means of social communications to bring the Good News of plentiful redemption which affects the entire human person and brings to perfection and transforms all human values, so as to unite all things in Christ (cf. Eph. 1:10; 1 Cor. 3:23), and thus lead them to their completion in a new earth and a new heaven (cf. Rev. 21:1).


“Preach the Gospel Ever Anew” – these words of St. Clement Hofbauer, form the core mission of the Redemptorist Media Center (RMC). In the digital age, we are committed to presenting the Gospel – in all its truth, goodness, and beauty – ever anew through the latest means of social communications.


To bring about the spiritual renewal
To enhance moral formation and human development
To create awareness of social issues
To promote human dignity, peace and justice
To foster harmony in society


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Join this group which supports us with prayer and intercession. Please leave your name and contact details.

Be a Benefactor

Support our mission by making a regular contribution or a one time donation. No Contribution is too small, no contribution goes unseen in the Kingdom.

Share your Talents

You are a writer, a teacher, an artist, or have other talents that can serve the Mission, leave a note with description of how you could contribute to our Mission

Share your ideas

If you have any creative and constructive idea that can help us in our mission and to do better, please leave your message here.

Redemptorist Vocation

If you sense God’s calling you to become a Redemptorist Missionary, don’t hesitate to tell us. We will journey with you to help you discern your Vocation.